Monday, November 06, 2006

Beautiful Mystery

When I found myself fighting the urge to send this video link to every single person on my e-mail distribution list I realized it might be just the perfect content for a blog post.

OK, so it's not about my children, but it's about someone's child -- one who didn't say his first words ("pencil" and "paper") until he was five years old. And when he got that pencil and paper, oh, the magic he made!

The video is about five minutes long, and is SFW (safe for work), as the kids today like to say, so try to carve out some time to have your mind completely blown. I found myself with mouth agape in disbelief and astonishment more than once, completely in awe of this man's UNBELIEVABLE gift.

Here's the description that came with the video on YouTube:

Stephen Wiltshire is a British man who was diagnosed as autistic when he was a child. He's also been noted for his exacting memory, which allows him to recreate [in drawings] vast scenes he sees only once. This video shows his 16-foot-panorama of Rome after taking one helicopter ride above the city.

Thanks to, who continually manages to rise above and find amazing and thought-provoking content on the Internet.

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