Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Yin And Yang

Once again, my children remind me of their polar opposition on most topics:

Shea: "Mommy, ______ got a time out in school again today."

Karin: "Oh no. Have you ever gotten a time out in school, Shea?"

Shea: "No."

Finn: "Me neither!"

Karin: "Good for you guys. It's not cool to get in trouble in school; it's a waste of everyone's time. So remind me again: Why do we go to school?"

(Blurting out their answers at the exact same time:)

Finn: "To learn."

Shea: "So we won't go to jail."


Unknown said...

Shea is obviously my kinda girl. And gorgeous to boot!

Unknown said...

Shea is obviously my kinda girl. And gorgeous to boot!

Patricia Marie said...

She is a pistol. Wait til those teenage years.